Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Classes | |
interface | AddMarkedStateCollaborationData |
Describes the data format of add marked state collaboration action. More... | |
interface | AddMarkedStateOperationData |
Describes the details of add marked state operation. More... | |
interface | AddReplyCollaborationData |
Describes the data format of add reply collaboration action. More... | |
interface | AddReplyOperationData |
Describes the detail of add reply. More... | |
interface | AddReviewStateCollaborationData |
Describes the data format of add review state collaboration action. More... | |
interface | AddReviewStateOperationData |
Describes the details of add review state operation. More... | |
interface | CollaborationCommunicator |
An interface defines several methods that user should follow to implement custom CollaborationCommunicator. Collaboration communicator is used to process and generate collaboration sessions, synchronize collaboration data, send collaboration data, and receive collaboration data from other clients. More... | |
interface | CollaborationData |
The format of all built-in collaboration data and user-customize data. More... | |
interface | CollaborationDataHandler |
A collaboration data handler used to process collaboration data received from server. More... | |
interface | CollaborationSessionInfo |
An interface defines the session info including shareId and the parameters to open PDF file. More... | |
interface | CreateAnnotationCollaborationData |
Describe the collaboration data format of create annotation action. More... | |
interface | CreateAnnotationOperationData |
The data used to create annotation that includes annotation information and page index. More... | |
interface | ImportAnnotationsFileCollaborationData |
An interface describes the collaboration data format of import annotation fdf,xfdf files. More... | |
interface | ImportAnnotationsFileOperationData |
The data used to import annotations that includes base64 format data of the fdf, xfdf file. More... | |
interface | MoveAnnotsBetweenPageCollaborationData |
Describes the data format used to collaborate the moving annotation action. More... | |
interface | MoveAnnotsBetweenPageOperationData |
Describes the the fromPageIndex, toPageIndex and annotation's data for move annotation operation. More... | |
interface | PPOInsertPageCollaborationData |
Describes the format of ppo insert page collaboration action. More... | |
interface | PPOInsertPageOperationData |
Describes the information for PPO_INSERT_PAGE action. More... | |
interface | PPOMovePageCollaborationData |
Describes the collabroation data format of move page action. More... | |
interface | PPOMovePageOperationData |
Describes the format of ppo move page collaboration action. More... | |
interface | PPORemovePageCollaborationData |
Describes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action. More... | |
interface | PPORemovePageOperationData |
Describes which pageIndex need be removed. More... | |
interface | PPORemovePagesCollaborationData |
Describes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action. More... | |
interface | PPORemovePagesOperationData |
Describe the page range that needs to be removed. More... | |
interface | PPORotatePageCollaborationData |
Describes the format of ppo roate page collaboration action. More... | |
interface | PPORotatePageOperationData |
Describes the detail of rotate page operation. More... | |
interface | RemoveAnnotationCollaborationData |
Describes the data format used to collaborate remove annotation action. More... | |
interface | RemoveAnnotationOperationData |
Describes the data format for remove annotation. More... | |
interface | RemoveReplyCollaborationData |
Describes the data format of remove reply collaboration action. More... | |
interface | RemoveReplyOperationData |
Describes the details of remove reply operation. More... | |
interface | UpdateAnnotationCollaborationData |
Describes the data format for update annotation action. More... | |
class | UpdateAnnotationOperationData |
The data used to update annotations. More... | |
interface | UpdateAnnotContentCollaborationData |
Describe the data format of update annotation content collaboration action. More... | |
interface | UpdateAnnotContentOperationData |
Describes the details of update annotation content operation. More... | |
interface | UserCustomizeCollaborationData |
The format of user cusomize collaboration data. More... | |
class | WebSocketCommunicator |
Collaboration implementation based on native WebSocket API. For compatibility information, please refer to this link: Can i use websocket More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | COLLABORATION_ACTION { CREATE_ANNOT = 'create-annots', REMOVE_ANNOT = 'remove-annots', UPDATE_ANNOT = 'update-annots', ADD_REPLY = 'add-reply', REMOVE_REPLY = 'remove-reply', ADD_REVIEW_STATE = 'add-review-state', ADD_MARKED_STATE = 'add-marked-state', UPDATE_ANNOT_CONTENT = 'update-comment-content', PPO_REMOVE_PAGE = 'ppo-remove-page', PPO_REMOVE_PAGES = 'ppo-remove-pages', PPO_INSERT_PAGE = 'ppo-insert-page', PPO_ROTATE_PAGE = 'ppo-rotate-page', PPO_MOVE_PAGE = 'ppo-move-page', MOVE_ANNOTS_BETWEEN_PAGES = 'move-annotations-between-pages', IMPORT_ANNOTATIONS_FILE = 'import-annotations-file' } |
Defines several built-in collaboration actions. More... | |
Defines several built-in collaboration actions.