# File selector
The usage of File selector is almost same as button. It inherits from the XbuttonComponent and supports the accept
property and the change
# Code example
<template id="layout-template">
<div class="file-selector-container">
<!-- accepts all type of files -->
<file-selector accept="*.*">Select all type of file</file-selector>
<!-- accepts PDF files -->
<file-selector accept=".pdf">Select PDF</file-selector>
<!-- accepts image files -->
<file-selector accept=".png;.jpg;.bmp" @controller="custom:SelectSingleFileController">Select Image</file-selector>
<!-- select multiple files -->
<file-selector @controller="custom:SelectMultipleFileController" accept="image/*" multiple>Select multiple files</file-selector>
<!-- use in dropdown -->
<dropdown style="width: auto" text="dropdown with file selector" separate="false">
<file-selector accept=".xfdf;.fdf" text="import FDF/XFDF" icon-class="fv__icon-sidebar-import-comment"></file-selector>
<div class="fv__ui-body">
.file-selector-container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.file-selector-container > .fv__ui-fileselector {
flex: 1 1 auto;
UIExtension.PDFUI.module('custom', [])
.controller('SelectSingleFileController', {
handle: function(file) {
alert('Selected file: ' + file.name);
.controller('SelectMultipleFileController', {
handle: function(files) {
alert('Selected files: \r\n' + files.map(it => it.name));
var CustomAppearance = UIExtension.appearances.Appearance.extend({
getLayoutTemplate: function() {
return document.getElementById('layout-template').innerHTML;
disableAll: function(){}
var libPath = window.top.location.origin + '/lib';
var pdfui = new UIExtension.PDFUI({
viewerOptions: {
libPath: libPath,
jr: {
licenseSN: licenseSN,
licenseKey: licenseKey
renderTo: document.body,
appearance: CustomAppearance,
addons: []
You may check button for more details.
# Events
Name | Description | Example | Version |
change | Triggered when the button is clicked. If the file selector turns on multiple selection, file is an array, otherwise it is a single file instance | fileSelector.on('change', (file) => { if(Array.isArray(file)) {} else {} }) | 7.4 |