FoxitPDFSDKforWeb v10.0.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web


class  IContextMenu
 This is an abstract contextmenu class. The various behaviors of the user-customized contextmenu can be encapsulated in its subclasses, and then its subclasses should be created in the XViewerUI::createContextMenu to complete the contextmenu customization.. More...
class  IFloatingTooltip
 An abstract class used to implement floating box components displayed after text selection or other operations. More...
interface  ISignatureUI
 Interface for the signature component. More...
interface  ISignedSignaturePropertiesDialog
 Interface for displaying the information of verified signature. More...
interface  ISignVerifiedResultDialog
 Interface for displaying the result of verifing signature. More...
class  IViewerUI
 This class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module, that stuffs should be customized like the example:

new PDFViewer({
viewerUI: class extends PDFViewCtrl.IViewerUI {

. More...

class  TinyViewerUI
 The default built-in UI implementation for PDFViewCtrl module. More...
interface  XFAWidgetInfo
 An interface represents the information of widget. More...

Detailed Description

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